Virginia Concealed Carry Gun Law Overview

Virginia Gun Laws

  Open Carry: Lawful
  Duty to Notify Law Enforcement: Only when asked by the officer
  State Parks: Concealed Carry is legal in accordance with state laws that regulate the right to carry
  Restaurants Serving Alcohol: No restriction as long as you don't consume any alcohol
  Firearms at Colleges: Schools individually decide the weapons policy.
  Firearms at K-12 Schools: VA permittee with loaded handgun in vehicle only. If you leave the vehicle the firearm must be unloaded and cased.
  Church Carry: Churches act like any other private property and may restrict
on a church by church basis
  Hotels: No legal restriction - Reference article on page 67
  Secure Storage Requirements: Firearms must be securely stored when one knows or reasonably should know that a juvenile (under 14) can gain access to the firearm without the permission of their parent or guardian or when a resident of the premises is ineligible to possess a firearm.
  Magazine Capacity Limitations: No restrictions
  Suppressor Ownership: Lawful
  Vehicle Possession Without Recognized Permit: Handguns must be secured in a container or compartment within the vehicle. Consoles, glove compartments, or other areas within or on the vehicle that can be closed meets the qualifications
  Firearm Law Uniformity: Mostly Uniform throughout state. Localities can regulate loaded long guns in vehicles.
  Permit Training Requirements: Any in-person firearm training course qualifies. [Updated Jan 1st, 2021]
  Non-Resident Permits: Anyone can apply.
  Constitutional Carry: No
  Duty to Retreat: No duty to retreat unless defendant made a contribution to the affray
  Places Off Limits: Private property when prohibited by the owner of the property, or where posted as prohibited.
Violation is a trespass charge and not a firearms violation. § 18.2-308
 Carrying dangerous weapon to place of religious worship while a meeting for religious purposes is
being held unless you have "good and sufficient reason." 18.2-283
Courthouse 18.2-283.1
School property/school functions (School busses are school property) unless gun is unloaded, in an
enclosed container and in the vehicle. A car's trunk is considered an enclosed container. However, a
concealed handgun permit holder can have a loaded, concealed handgun in the vehicle while in the
school parking lot, traffic circle, etc. The concealed handgun and the permit holder must stay in the
vehicle. Firearms are not banned from property open to the public where a school function is being 5
held unless that property is being used exclusively for the school function. Violation of this statute is
a felony. § 18.2-308.1
 Non-secure areas of airport terminals are off limits unless you are a passenger and you have your gun
unloaded, in a locked container in your checked luggage, and declare the gun at the check-in counter.
Violation is a high-level misdemeanor. § 18.2-287.01
 Regional Jail or Juvenile Detention Facility. § 15.2-915

Carry On College/Universities in Virginia: The VA AG Opinion states: It is my opinion that the safe operation of the campus allows regulation of, or
under limited circumstances, prohibition of, firearms by any persons attending events on campus, visiting
dormitories or classroom buildings, attending specific events as invitees, or under any circumstance
permitted by law. The universal prohibition of firearms by properly permitted persons other than students,
faculty, administration, or employees, however, is not allowed under law. A board of visitors has
responsibility for the protection of the students enrolled at their university. At the same time, the rights
guaranteed by the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States14 and by Article I, § 13, of
the Constitution of Virginia,15 which protect all citizens, may not be summarily dismissed for transient

 The Capitol Complex is off limits
 Road Side Rest Area Buildings are off limits
  State Contact Info: Virginia State Police
PO Box 27472
Richmond VA 23261-7472
  Permit Issuing Authority: Virginia State Police
  Length of Permit Validity: 5 Years
  Permit Application Process: Mail application with fingerprints, training certificate, and fee to VA State police. link
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